Canoe Day Trips

Within the nearby Upper Peninsula of Michigan's woods are many rivers and lakes where you get to experience the outdoors "up close and personal". Sylvania Outfitters will set you up for the day trip of your choice and give you advice about how to fully enjoy the day's adventure. We'll drop you and your gear off, set up a time and place for pick up, and be there for you to get you back to headquarters. Bring your camera!

The following information will help you plan a number of different single day trips in some truly beautiful surroundings. We will do everything we can to make your excursion through the local woods and waters a day you will always remember.

Parents! If your child is part of a group supervised by someone other than yourself, please see the

We rent single and double kayaks for $20.00 to $36.00 per day and canoes for $32.00 to $52.00 per day for use in the Sylvania Tract. Included in this fee are paddles, life vests, carrying yoke and foam car top carrier that fits almost any car. We deliver and pick up canoes in Sylvania for $20 to $30

We have 14.5, 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20 ft. canoe sizes.

US Forest Service park passes are $5.00 per car.

Note! No Styrofoam, cans, or bottles are allowed!

Trip #1. Clark Lake to Loon Lake
Paddle around this crystal clear and largest lake in the Tract. No motor boats are allowed! See eagles and loons! There are isolated beaches along the north, south and middle of Clark Lake. The whole north end of Loon Lake is beach. On these lakes all bass caught have to be returned to the water without injury.
Trip #2. Crooked Lake to High Lake
Motor boat use is allowed on this lake by property owners only. Only electric trolling motors are allowed by the public. Normal fishing rules apply. This is a very scenic and winding lake. Very short portages to beautifully clear High Lake or Mountain Lake.

The Ontonagon River is part of the Wild and Scenic River System. We rent canoes and kayaks for these trips down the middle branch of the Ontonagon River. We rent Single and Double Kayaks. Click here to view the current rental prices.

Included with the rental are the paddles and vests.

Transportation for up to 7 passengers is $30.

Trip #1. Buck Lake Road to Tamarack Creek
NO RAPIDS. Current will carry you along at a good clip for 3/5 of the way. The river widens and the current slows for about 1.5 miles of paddling. Tamarack Creek enters the river on your right at five miles. You must turn right and paddle about 100 yards up the creek to the bridge to the take-out spot. Pick-up in 2.5 to 3 hours.
Trip #2. Watersmeet to Burned Dam
(Mex-i-mine Falls) This trip has five sets of rapids that require some skill. Current is pretty good 2/3 of the way, then slows for 1.5 miles as the river widens out. The river then narrows and speeds up as Tamarack Creek enters. Your trip ends on the right bank above Mex-i-mine Falls at Burned Dam Campground and covers 10 miles. Minimum paddling time is 3.5 hours. Pickup is usually in 4 to 5 hours.
Trip #3. Burned Dam to Interior Bridge
RAPIDS! No cabins along this beautiful downhill stretch. At least 7 rapids in high water and 12 in lower water, one of which is quite long. Minimum paddling time is 2 hours. Pickup in 2.5 to 3 hours at the first bridge you come to. This spot is the old town site of Interior. Drop off and pickup for up to 7 passengers for this popular trip is $30.00.
Trip #4. Burned Dam to Bond Falls
Trip #3 is the first half of this trip. The current is still strong for quite a way down stream, then starts to slow down. Possibly pull over at a couple of tree trunks as you near Bond Falls Flowage. Big rocks appear suddenly. Pull off to the right side to scout this ledge rapids. Can be tricky; consider portaging! Right after this is "Little Falls." Pull off on the left bank to scout or portage. When you get to Bond Falls Flowage head northwest across Bond Lake past 5 islands. Take out on right side of the Main Dam. Below the dam is a small camp store with a telephone. Trip covers twelve miles and pickup is usually in 5 hours. This trip is for the more hardy! Spotting/pickup fee is $30.00